The lvsoulfairy papers is a combination of research, soulsearching and inspiration. When something has become part of you, you should find a way to grow en develop this part into something great.

For a long time I have been searching for my way of storytelling. Through the years I discovered writing fiction, poetry, prose and essays. Coming from the profession of journalism I always wanted to combine my writings with an amount of research and create stories and articles to inspire readers. Writing and researching from a true soul, I guess I can say that’s what I am and what I want to explore from now on. 

It’s a different kind of storytelling, a different kind of research and writing.

That’s what I will do with lvsoulfairy.

The Leya Papers

Through the eyes of Leya you witness philosophy, research and psychology written in a blog started in the late 90s and present. Sometimes she’s escaping to her own fantasy world. When she’s back in reality, she escapes in her world of studying. Both worlds help her to find the meaning of life and the chaos around her.

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Essays from a writer discovering the chaos of society in this world.


Writer | Poet | Artist